Arjun's Story

Hi, I’m Arjun and this is my Celiac story.

I was diagnosed, like many of you, at a very young age. I actually can’t even remember what gluten tastes like, and that’s probably a good thing! But in all seriousness, here are some things I wish I would have known when I was first diagnosed with Celiac.

The diagnosis may seem overwhelming at first, but I assure you, it gets better with time. I understand the transition can be demanding, particularly altering your diet and social interactions. So, here’s some advice for you newbies: it’s a bumpy ride, but it gets better. Your pantry’s going through a makeover. But you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite foods. One thing that I didn’t learn until I had actually been forced to change my diet is that food labels are a wonderful thing! Moreover, there are so many gluten-free alternatives, you probably won’t even be able to tell the difference.

Another underrated tip is to find friends with similar dietary restrictions! If you’re vegetarian, you want to make sure they’re okay with eating vegetarian food before inviting a guest to your house. Similarly, with Celiac, you want to make sure your friends are understanding of your condition and dietary restrictions. The most convenient way to do that is to have friends with Celiac, or with other dietary restrictions who can understand your needs.

Signing off for now, but please reach out through the mentoring program if you have any questions.

— Arjun S, Colorado, USA

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