Maria's Story

Hi, I’m Maria. When I was 5, life took a pretty drastic turn. My Celiac disease barged into my world like an uninvited guest, turning everything upside down. Being a kid who couldn’t munch on the usual snacks during school breaks or at sleepovers was tough. My meals became this puzzle I had to solve daily, sifting through ingredients and learning to say “no” to so many snacks.

School lunches were a battlefield; it felt like everyone was watching as I pulled out my homemade gluten-free sandwich. I was different, and at times, it stung. But amidst this chaos, I stumbled upon something great—support groups. Connecting with others who understood the struggles felt like finding a treasure trove. These groups were my safe haven. People shared stories, tips, and recipes. Suddenly, I wasn’t alone in this whirlwind. It was refreshing to converse with those who got it. We exchanged advice, giggled at shared experiences, and vented about the daily challenges. These folks were my superheroes.

Over time, I learned that Celiac wasn’t about limitations but about finding new possibilities. With the help of various support groups, I slowly pieced together a routine that suited me. They were the guiding stars in my darkest nights, offering empathy and understanding. And you know what? I learned to celebrate the little victories along the way, making each day a tad brighter despite the hurdles. I can only hope that your transition is as fruitful as mine! 

— Maria Y, Seattle, USA

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